Error Codes

When using the SUTRA API, you may encounter errors. Below are common error codes, their causes, and suggested solutions:



400 - Invalid Format

Cause: The request body format is invalid.
Solution: Adjust your request body based on the error message hints. For more details, refer to the SUTRA API Documentation.

401 - Authentication Fails

Cause: The API key provided is invalid.
Solution: Verify your API key. If you don't have one, generate it via the API Key Management page.

422 - Invalid Parameters

Cause: The request contains invalid or unsupported parameters.
Solution: Correct the parameters as indicated in the error message. See the SUTRA API Documentation for more details.

429 - Too Many Requests

Cause: Requests are being sent at a rate exceeding the server's capacity.
Solution: Slow down your request rate. If needed, switch temporarily to alternative APIs while pacing your requests.

500 - Server Error

Cause: The server encountered an unexpected issue.
Solution: Wait for a moment and try again. Contact support if the issue persists.

503 - Server Overloaded

Cause: The server is under high traffic and cannot handle the request.
Solution: Retry your request after a short delay.